Sunday 17 July 2011


It's funny when you see a friend you haven't seen in a long time.
I felt nervous, for some reason. Obviously as always I couldn't sleep the night before an exciting day but when I was waiting for her to drive around the corner I had trouble remembering her face.
I mean I see her photos often. But a photo isn't her face. 
But waiting in the living room and suddenly hearing her voice in the kitchen, it only seemed natural to go to her. As we embraced the familiarity had a quick effect on me. They were indeed the same arms that hugged me when we were 8; and the same that hugged me goodbye April 2010.
Sometimes, with some friends, not seeing each other after awhile leads to a short period of getting used to each other again. A time of catching up. But tonight I realised that we'll always will be caught up. It seemed only automatic to go upstairs and chat for a ridiculous amount of time. We barely even thought about the lavashak during the film, which would just be there, because it is, because that's how it is!
Although we all grow and change, we'll always have those friends who - whenever you see them - those familiar traditions that bring more comfort than is believed come into play. I love how, every time we will go to our rooms and dump our bags and use every second of conversation like it is precious...before my mum calls with her shrill voice for vaccum/dishwasher/laundry/etc. within 5 minutes.
These things make me feel that nothing has changed, that you're not oceans away from me but instead, just like before, merely a three hours drive.
It's easy to believe that you're just here for the weekend as always and this Saturday, we WILL stay up all night...Until one falls asleep.
Some things can never change.

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